7B. New or varied targets

  1. The Parties may agree to vary or add additional targets after this Agreement has commenced. Any new or updated targets will be developed in partnership and agreed by the Parties to the Agreement, in accordance with Section 11A – Amendments to this Agreement.
  2. Where a target is due to expire, the Parties agree to develop a new target in the same outcome area. The Parties will begin developing the new target at least six months prior to the projected target expiry. Additional actions to achieve the new target will be included in Parties’ Implementation Plans.
  3. The Parties commit to develop the following targets following signature of the Agreement2:

    Within 12 months of signature:

    1. Community infrastructure: The community infrastructure target will measure progress towards parity in infrastructure, essential services, and environmental health and conditions. This will include data development to measure essential service provision to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, including water and sewerage, waste management, road reserves and electricity supply, as well composite measures to capture all aspects of the target.3
    2. Inland waters: The inland waters target will measure progress towards securing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interests in water bodies inland from the coastal zone under state and territory water rights regimes. This will include data development to identify a nationally consistent measure for inland waters encompassing, for example, water licenses, water rights and water allocation plans.

2 The original Agreement included a commitment to develop Family Violence and Access to Information targets within three months of signature. This commitment has been fulfiiled. A revised Target 13 - Family Violence target and a new Target 17 – Access to Information target were added to the National Agreement following agreement by the Joint Council on 17 November 2020.

3 The further commitment to develop a community infrastructure target, Target 9b, has been fulfilled and added to the National Agreement following agreement by Joint Council on 3 December 2021. Road reserves are not included in the target as finally agreed.