Table A

Priority Reform One1


Shared decision-making: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are empowered to share decision-making authority with governments to accelerate policy and place-based progress on Closing the Gap through formal partnership arrangements.


There will be formal partnership arrangements to support Closing the Gap in place between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and governments in place in each state and territory enshrining agreed joint decision-making roles and responsibilities and where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have chosen their own representatives.


  • Partnerships reviewed (new or existing) meeting the ‘strong partnership elements’ (as defined in the National Agreement) [Clause 32 and 33]):
    • Partnerships are accountable and representative [as per Clause 32.a.]
    • Partnerships having a written formal agreement [as per Clause 32.b.]
    • Partnerships having clear provisions of shared decision-making between government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners [as per Clause 32.c.]
    • Adequate funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parties to be partners with governments in formal partnerships [as per Clause 33]
  • Number of partnerships by function, such as decision-making or strategic
Outcome indicators:
  • Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people reporting they are able to have a say in their community on issues important to them
  • Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people reporting improvements in their communities


  • By jurisdiction
  • Closing the Gap outcome areas relevant to the partnerships

Priority Reform Two1


Building the community-controlled sector: There is a strong and sustainable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled sector delivering high quality services to meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across the country.


Increase the amount of government funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs and services going through Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations


  • Number of Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations (ACCOs) contracted by governments across the Closing the Gap socio-economic outcome areas of the Agreement
  • Number of government contracts awarded to ACCOs
    • By agency with a funding prioritisation policies across all Closing the Gap outcomes (as per Clause 55a)
    • Under new funding initiatives decided by government which are intended to service the broader population across socio-economic outcome areas (as per Clause 55b)
  • Number of sectors with elements of a strong sector (clause 45), by element:
    • Number with sustained investment in capacity building
    • Number with a dedicated workforce and wage parity
    • Number supported by a peak organisation with strong governance and policy development capability
    • Number with consistent and sustained funding arrangements to support agreed service delivery standards
Outcome indicators:
  • Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people reporting fewer barriers in accessing service


  • By jurisdiction
  • Closing the Gap outcome areas

Data Development:

Explore options to measure and report:

  • Proportion of sector funding by governments going to ACCOs across socio-economic outcome areas of the Agreement
  • Proportion of services delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, by socio-economic outcome area
  • Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people using ACCOs’ services
  • Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people employed by ACCO’s

Priority Reform Three1


Improving mainstream institutions: Governments, their organisations and their institutions are accountable for Closing the Gap and are culturally safe and responsive to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including through the services they fund.


Decrease in the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have experiences of racism.


  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people employed in government mainstream institutions and agencies:
    • Total number, by level and agency
    • Number of identified Indigenous Australian positions by level and agency
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation in governance positions in government mainstream institutions and agencies:
    • Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander membership on Boards
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisory bodies
  • Number and proportion of government mainstream institutions and agencies with Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in place, by RAP type
  • Government mainstream institutions and agencies reporting actions to implement the transformation elements:
    • Identify and eliminate racism
    • Embed and practice meaningful cultural safety
    • Deliver services in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, communities and people
    • Increase accountability through transparent funding allocations
    • Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
    • Improve engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Outcome indicators
  • Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people reporting experiences of racism
  • Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who identify as feeling culturally safe in dealing with government mainstream institutions and agencies


  • By jurisdiction
  • Closing the Gap outcome areas

Data Development:

  • Response to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people reporting racism

Priority Reform Four1


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have access to, and the capability to use, locally-relevant data and information to set and monitor the implementation of efforts to close the gap, their priorities and drive their own development.


Increase the number of regional data projects to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to make decisions about Closing the Gap and their development.


  • Number of formal data sharing partnerships established between government agencies and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people/organisations
  • Number of comprehensive regional data profiles created
  • Number of government initiatives established to make data more accessible and usable for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations
  • Number of government agencies working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to build expertise in data collection and analysis


  • By jurisdiction
  • Closing the Gap outcome areas

Data Development:

  • Outcome indicator: Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people reporting they have access to, the ability to use, and custodianship of, data that will assist in the planning and delivery of services in their communities.

1 The Priority Reform frameworks were added following agreement by the Joint Council on 17 November 2020.